Bible Study
Bible Study at Olive Branch Christian Church
To Learn
In addition to our Bible Study classes on Sunday mornings there are other opportunities during the week.
Disciples Men Bible Study
The traditional adult class is a study of the books of the Bible following a seven-year curriculum covering the entire Bible. Lively discussions and good fellowship are the norm for this class.
Christian Women's Fellowship Bible Study
Two bible studies are sponsored by the Christian Women's Fellowship. Both Circle Meetings are held at Interlude, located at 5395 Riverview Road.
These Bible Studies are held September through May of each year.
- 2nd Tuesday of each month at Interlude, 11:45 am. Led by Elaine Henk
- 3rd Monday of each month, 7:00 pm. Led by by Carole Kerr
Home Bible Study
A Home Bible Study is held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at member’s homes. See the church calendar for location.