Global Missions
Global Missions at Olive Branch
Christian Hospital Mungeli - Mungeli, India
Founded in 1897, Christian Hospital Mungeli (CHM) is a 120-bed hospital which provides a broad spectrum of modern medical services to the people of Mungeli, Chhattisgarh, and the surrounding districts. A cancer unit is currently under construction and will provide new avenues for chemotherapy utilizing a cobalt radiation machine. CHM also operates a nursing school and administers the 600-student Rambo Memorial English Medium School.
Christian Hospital Mungeli is owned and operated by the Church of North India’s Eastern Regional Board of Health Services.
Mission Statement: The whole community of Christian Hospital Mungeli is committed to providing holistic healthcare through excellent services, quality care and respectful treatment in which the spirituality of each person is honored. No patient will be refused. All patients will be treated regardless of what religion they belong to, and the hospital will always strive to provide the best of services at the least minimal cost, always being aware to serve the marginalized and needy.
In 2003, the Church of North India asked Dr. Anil Henry to become the Medical Director of Christian Hospital Mungeli, and Global Ministries commissioned both Dr. Henry and his wife, Dr. Teresa Henry, to serve.
Find out more about CHM at
Also, read The Olive Branch, August, 2015 about the Baby Box project.

Living Spring Faith Ministries - Muizenberg, South Africa
Olive Branch provides financial support to the Living Spring Faith Ministries/YWAM in Muizenberg, South Africa. This ministry is led by Deborah and Gabriel Fabule.Deborah Kory Fabule is a William and Mary graduate and formerly a Youth Leader at Olive Branch.
South Africa is a beautiful land, marred for decades by the sin of apartheid. Separated because of race and ethnicity, native South Africans were forced to dwell in the shacks and slums of makeshift settlements called townships.
Since 2002, the Fabule’s have been using their unique intercultural marriage and Youth With a Mission (YWAM) sponsored biblical training to bring the reconciliation of Jesus Christ into these impoverished areas.
What started as door-to-door evangelism and a 12-member congregation has grown into a ministry that encompasses two South African provinces and ministers to seven distinct townships through church planting and community development.

Church World Service
Olive Branch supports Church World Service programs to include:
- Hygiene Kits for Natural Disasters: In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.
- Blankets+ is a special mission opportunity that can involve all ages. Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. hold CWS Blankets+ events, providing funds to help people in need around the world, including the U.S.
Every day, CWS staff and partners are walking with our vulnerable neighbors around the world. These are people worth investing in.
Samaritan's Purse
Franklin Graham’s Operation Christmas Child is an annual mission event for Olive Branch. Shoe boxes are packed with toys, school supplies and hygiene items for delivery to needy children around the world.
Find out more about Samaritan's Purse at