Women's Ministry
Christian Women's Fellowship at Olive Branch
Disciples Women
The purpose of the Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Through our offerings and special fund raising events we are able to contribute to many worthwhile projects both local and nationwide such as Basic Mission Finance, for the work of ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The Scholarship Fund, to help Disciple women studying in seminary for the ministry,The Library Fund, used to purchase materials for our Regional Resource Center and Woman to Woman Worldwide, which responds to the call for church women to experience solidarity with one another and to join in the common struggle for justice and peace in the world today.
We are active in our community by adopting needy families at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and providing food and clothing for these families, helping with needs at the local elementary schools, helping to send children to summer camps, and supporting our local food banks and organizations.
Several fund raisers are held annually which include a Spring Variety Show, a Fall Fashion Show/Luncheon/Auction (at which time a hand made quilt and afghan are raffled) and a yard sale.
Christian Women's Fellowship Bible Study
Two bible studies are sponsored by the Christian Women's Fellowship. Both Circle Meetings are held at Interlude, located at 5395 Riverview Road.
These Bible Studies are held September through May of each year.
- 2nd Tuesday of each month at Interlude, 11:45 am. Led by Elaine Henk
- 3rd Monday of each month, 7:00 pm. Led by by Carole Kerr
Other Functions
- Quarterly Coffee Fellowship
- Spring All Daughters Tea
In March, June, September & December our combined Circles meet for a covered dish dinner.