Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry at Olive Branch
Disciples Men
We hope you find this page helpful in providing you with information about men's ministries. Please use the links provided below to stay connected with Disciples Men.
About Disciples Men
Disciples Men’s Bible Study meets every Thursday in the New Social Hall from 10:00 am – 11:30 am.
Mission Statement
The General Conference of Disciples Men is the formal organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, ministering to the unique needs of men in the church, enabling them to fulfill their potential as servants of God, strengthening the total ministry of the church.
- Disciples Home Mission / Disciples Men Page
- Disciples Men of Virginia
In March, June, September & December our combined Circles meet for a covered dish dinner.
- President / Treasurer: Norm Larkin (757) 258-1439 | Cell: (757) 880-2104
- Treasurer: Norm Hall