Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests at Olive Branch
Prayer & Care
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6 NRSV)
Prayer is at the foundation of everything we do at Olive Branch. Every week our pastor and Olive Branch's elders lift up prayers from our congregation about illness and healing, worries and joys, death and new life.
How Can We Pray For You?
Prayer requests come from the cards in the pews and from your calls and emails. If you have a prayer request, fill out a card on Sunday, email us or contact an elder with your prayer request.
How Can You Pray for Others?
If you would like to pray for the joys and concerns of those requesting prayer support, email the Olive Branch Office Secretary and join our email Prayer Chain.
FAQ's About Prayer Requests
Who will see my Prayer Request?
Our Secretary, Susan Fornier, receives all prayer requests. If your prayer request is for Pastors Only, she will deliver your request to Olive Branch's pastor. If your prayer request is for the Prayer Chain, she will include it in a daily email that goes to our Prayer Chain. Each week, literally hundreds of prayers are offered for people's joys, sorrows, and other concerns.
Do I have to be specific about my prayer concern?
Your request may general or specific, depending on your comfort level. Most people include their names in a prayer request, but you let us know if you would prefer to remain anonymous.
If your concern is of an especially sensitive nature, you may wish to consider making the prayer request for Pastors Only. If your prayer request is for the Prayer Chain, rest assured that the people praying for you will be sensitive to your privacy.